Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Pasta Aglio Olio con Sausage e Longaniza

It is the 2nd day of the month. Nothing really special but we are celebrating our 71-month long relationship as boyfriend/girlfriend. Yes we are 1 month away from our 6th year of being together.

We used to celebrate these relationship milestones over Ron's Spicy Tuna Carbonara and so I was craving for it. I requested him to cook a batch but he has a lot of excuses that I thought of whipping one for myself. But since We dont have the complete ingredients, I hought of going for the simplest pasta dish, the Aglio Olio which is only Olive oil, garlic and herbs.

While cooking the pasta, I thought of putting out the Hungarian Sausage (Ron's favorite) and the Chicken Longanisa. Why not mixing it in? Oh yeah! Kitchen chaos, here I go! And this is how I came up with Pasta Aglio Olio con Sausage and Longanisa.


250g Pasta ( we have linguine available)
3 tbsp olive oil
8 cloves garlic (more the better) chopped
1 tbsp italian seasoning
salt and pepper to taste
2 pcs hungarian sausage cubed 
4 pcs chicken longganisa cubed
parmesan cheese (optional)

1. Cook pasta using package instruction. Drain and then coat with 1 tbsp EVOO for the pasta not to clump. 
2. In a separate pan, heat remaining EVOO. 
3. Brown hungarian sausage and longaniza.
4.  Add garlic and saute for 1 minute. 
5. Put in italian seasoning, salt and pepper.
6. Add in the cooked pasta. Mix. Make sure to coat pasta.

Serve with parmesan cheese on top!

* I did not put the pasta all at once.... I put it in portion by portion because I want my pasta to be well coated to get the full flavor in every bite. It turned out, I only used 2/3 of the pasta.

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