Saturday, March 21, 2009


I'm home once more...

Two of my brothers are graduating this year (Rolan's is today and Rex's is next Tuesday), and that of course is my excuse for eluding Manila for the weekend, pack my bags and go home.

I came home to a party at the compound... Yesterday was Lola Mating's birthday, so the family had dinner with just a few guests to remember Lola Mating. Surprisingly, amidst the issues here, I enjoyed the night..

Early today, we attended the Baccalaureate Mass of Rolan which was so early at 6AM... Grrr!!! But then, it would only be once in a lifetime that I could get to experience attending these... after all I miss all of this when I was in Manila for school.

Then we proceed to Riverside for a doctor's appointment. I'm counting days to see effects... hehehe!

Now I'm preparing for the grad ceremonies and for the congratulatory dinner... so fun!

1 comment:

Sai Torre said...

Please send my congratulations to Karem. =) Salute to the Graduates. hehe.